What is our sketch comedy philosophy & style?
As sketch comedians ourselves, we are here to you craft your style of funny, and to support whatever you love. We offer you tools to trust your instincts, collaborate better with other comedians, work in a writers room, put a show on its feet, helm a production, make videos, make new things that haven’t even been invented yet, and to learn how to be a leader who Moves. Stuff. Forward. We love smart, risky, sketch. We love sketch that says something, and sketch that says nothing. We love runners and blackouts and sketches that break the mold and sketches that stay in the lines; we love it all. And best of all, we can show you where to take your sketch comedy next!
All Upcoming Sketch Classes
NoneRefund Policy
- The Ruby LA has a no-refund policy on all classes and shows. If we need to cancel or re-schedule a class for any reason, you are entitled to take that class or classes equal to the admission price of that class. You may use your class credit for up to two years, after which time it expires.
- The Ruby LA reserves the right to replace a course instructor, without notice, and at any time, with another equally qualified course instructor.
- The Ruby LA also reserves the right to postpone or cancel a course if an emergency or unforeseen conflict arises. In the event of a complete cancellation, students’ tuition will be refunded or credited. Any fees incurred by students for travel, lodging, etc. will not be reimbursed by the Ruby LA.